Our customers often ask us where the name Karma Electrical came from, so today’s post will give you a little insight as to where the idea originated…

Karma means action, work or deed and also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect. Essentially, for us this means that committing good deeds and actions will contribute to future happiness and that is how we try and go about our day to day life.
You know you will receive quality service and advice from us because we ourselves would wish for nothing less!
​We are reliable because there is no question of corner cutting or dodgy fitting. Everything we do is with the intent of creating high quality, safe and energy efficient solutions for our customers.
We discuss all options and consequences with our clients before carrying out work. And we follow up with you afterwards to ensure that the service you received is the service you were expecting.
Good karma is the reason we operate with INTEGRITY and our standards will always be carried out with the intention of doing things right – even when nobody is watching.
Our logo is circular to represent that karma is a continuous cycle and our aim is to keep the positive stuff flowing!!

So, now you know the answer to ‘Why Karma’?
We think it’s a great name to describe the quality of service we provide and represents the trust and reliability you can expect for all your electrical requirements.